Member Spotlight – Salem Five Bank
Member Spotlight – Mathnasium of Reading

Lunch & Learn at Fusion Cafe 3/24/16
What’s New In Reading?
Join us (a week early) for our quarterly lunch and learn event. These events take place quarterly at a local restaurant. We enjoy lunch, informal networking and a short presentation.
Our upcoming Lunch & Learn will take place on Thursday March 24, 2016 from 12 – 1:15 PM at Fusion Cafe.
What’s new in Reading?
Our speakers will be Jean Delios, Assistant Town Manger and Bob LeLacheur, Town Manager who will offer a State of the Town & MAPC Economic Development Overview.
Lunch buffet at Fusion Café 607 Main Street, Reading, MA
$20 members, $30 non-members
Advance registration requested. Register in advance to be entered into a raffle for a free admission to a future event.
State of Reading Luncheon
The Readings Magazine “Best Of” Winners Celebration & Mixer – Thursday, 3/10/16
We’re co-hosting this celebration with The Readings magazine, to honor their 2016 “Best of” winners.
Join us from 5:30 – 7:30 pm at Joe Fish at 60 Main St, North Reading, MA
Complimentary appetizers, networking, cash bar. The event is free but registration is required.
Joe Fish will be serving flat breads from their new menu, popcorn chicken tacos, assorted sliders and crispy fish tacos. All are invited to stay and enjoy Ed Antonelli of the Mystic River Band who will be playing from 7 to 9 pm. A great night in THE READINGS – Please join us!
Registration is here.
Thank you!
2016 Annual Meeting
Annual Meeting (Breakfast)
Thursday Jan 28 7:30 – 9 AM
Teresa’s Prime
20 Elm Street, North Reading MA
Speaker: Dennis Clarke, President and CEO of Cummings Properties
The Chamber’s 2016 Annual Meeting will be held on Thursday January 28th at 7:30 – 9:00 am at Teresa’s Prime, 20 Elm Street in North Reading. A buffet breakfast will be served at 7:30, with our speaker and presentation beginning at 8 am. Come learn about the exciting events the Chamber has planned for 2016.
Speaker: Dennis Clarke, President and CEO of Cummings Properties
Chamber Member Price: $20
Non-Chamber Member Price: $30
Lisa Egan is new Chamber executive director
Lisa Egan is new Chamber executive director
Reading, MA, November 21, 2014 –
Reading-North Reading Chamber of Commerce President Lisa DeLeo is pleased to announce that Lisa Egan of Reading has been chosen as its new executive director.
“The Reading-North Reading Chamber of Commerce is a vital organization in both communities and it is a pleasure to come on board at such an exciting time. I am honored for the opportunity to be a part of the Chamber and its future success,” said Egan. “I look forward to its possibilities and growth potential and I believe there is much work that can be done to increase Chamber value and awareness and provide continuity to its image.”
Lisa has owned her own freelance editing and instructional design business for the past 2 ½ years and has worked at a major textbook publishing firm in Boston where she managed a large team of employees and consultants and picked up her juggling skills when working on time-sensitive projects.
No stranger to Reading fund-raising, Egan served on the Joshua Eaton Playground Committee, where she and her committee raised $50,000 and the Sturges Park Master Planning Committee to improve and update the park, playground and wetlands.
“Lisa’s background is the perfect combination of event planning and project management, while giving back to the local communities,” said DeLeo. “We are looking forward to working with Lisa, who comes highly recommended and we are anxious to get her on board.”
Not to worry, Lisa has jumped in feet first and is already working on the Holiday Lighting Festivals in both Reading and North Reading that take place on November 30. She is also preparing promotional material for a Name the Elf contest featured in local businesses where children can take a chance to name the Chamber elf by dropping their entries into an entry box. And, she is working with the Auction Committee on the Chamber’s 12 Days of Christmas online auction, raising funds to offset the cost of the lighting festivals enjoyed in both towns throughout the holidays.
“Not bad for her first week’s agenda!” said DeLeo.
Lisa earned a bachelor of arts from Providence College and she has years of experience in communications, advertising, event planning, fund-raising and management.
President Lisa DeLeo plans a welcoming reception for the full Chamber membership after the holidays.
“Congratulations to the Search Committee for conducting the interview process,” said DeLeo. “The competition was stiff, but we are confident Lisa will prove to be a valuable asset to the Chamber’s mission of local businesses partnering with the community, public officials and each other to improve the economy and quality of life in Reading and North Reading.
Lisa has been a resident of Reading for 13 years.
Bruins Alumni Game
Watch members of the RNR Chamber play Bruins Alumni
Saturday, February 16, 2013
- Burbank Ice Arena
- Reading, MA
- 7:30 pm
Tickets $10 each
To purchase tickets or sponsor this event please contact Julie Higgins at rnrchambercom@aol.com
Vote for Your Favorite Window Display
Local Chamber of Commerce businesses have been working hard to create beautiful and interesting window displays and now it is time for you to get out and vote for your favorites.
Participating businesses in North Reading are:
- Horseshoe Grille,
- The Jewelry Vault,
- Brissonté Gifts & Home Décor,
- Ryer’s Country Store,
- The Savings Bank.
Participating businesses In Reading:
- Goodhearts Children’s Shop in conjunction with Center Staged Interiors,
- Olde Redding Butcher Shop,
- The Chocolate Truffle,
- Everything But the Dog,
- The Hitching Post Gift Shop,
- The Hot Spot,
- People’s United Bank.
The Reading-North Reading Chamber of Commerce and Brissonté Gifts & Home Décor located in North Reading, are partnering with local businesses in the 2nd annual holiday display contest to benefit local charities. The contest is open now and runs through Christmas Eve. Business members have decorated their windows and are collecting dollars to compete against each other for bragging rights and to win a donation to their favorite charity from Brissonté, who generously agreed to donate $500 to the winners. The contest is being held in both Reading and North Reading.
Visit participating businesses to learn more and cast your vote for your favorite holiday display. Votes cost $1 each and you can vote as often as you’d like! All money raised is donated to a local charity.
Buy Local
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